Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The smart one

That would have to be, me, the CRom. Note the deft way I make the case that Dad is just like a whole bunch of different guys, all of whom were once president:
The thing that stood out to me, which once seemed like an indescribable characteristic is actually quite simple to describe.
As it turns out, everything is pretty simple when you don't support your arguments with, um, other sentences. That's something smart guys do. They do it with their hat on backwards, mostly.
It is that my dad is presidential. Not presidential in the fact that he looks or dresses like a president, which the press loves to discuss.
Looks like a president. Indeed, he is a white man in a suit. There's just no denying it. But that's for superficial types to worry about, not philosopher-princes like me, CRom!
By presidential, I mean that he shares characteristics with the great leaders of our country like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and Ronald Reagan. By presidential I mean that he is the type of leader in whom I would trust our country's future.
By "presidential," I mean "has characteristics that other presidents had." By "characteristics," I mean "a belief held by me that he would be an awesome president." Between him and Lincoln, it would be a close call. But his presidential looks would probably break the tie.

It does say "Read More" after that last sentence (here), but there is no more to read. For obvious reasons. You can't make the indescribable any more describable than I just did. Well, Dad maybe could.

And that is what is great about Dad! CRom out.

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