Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Getting you up to speed

You've probably missed a lot of great things about Dad already, so I thought I'd give you a quick rundown on a few of the many objectively verifiable things I've said about him, all of which are true since I am an expert. A Romneytologist, if you will:

He "has a very low tolerance for those with a false sense of entitlement." That is a serious thing to have, very presidential in my opinion. Way more presidential than "he doesn't like long questions."

He "is now on the cover of Time Magazine," which is totally true. Or was when I wrote it. Most of that post was about gramps. He's dead. Which means he is pretty much still alive. I wonder if he's running a car company? I guess that one wasn't really about Dad.

Hmmm. Tagg told me I can't count the story about how I went for a run. That's sort of it, then, except for the story about how dad likes vacation but is unable to enjoy it. Mr. Handyman, that's my dad!

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